Insect Dominoes

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Learn Every Day About Bugs and Spiders

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Learn Every Day About Bugs and Spiders




insect pictures or stickers

child-safe scissors


1. Engage the children in a conversation about spider webs. Ask the children to
describe what spiders use their webs for.
2. Have the children sit in a circle and explain that they're going to be spinning a
spider's web. Ask them to pretend that their hands are very sticky to hold the
thread tightly, like a spider.
3. Give the ball of yarn to the first child and invite him to say something that he
likes about spiders.
4. Keeping a firm grip on the loose end of yarn, have him use his other hand to
toss the ball of yarn across the circle to the child sitting opposite. This child will
hold the line and speak about spiders if he wishes, then throw the ball across
the circle to a classmate while holding on to his end tightly.
5. Eventually a web will emerge. Finally, see if the web will support a stuffed toy
resting on the top.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
* Most young children have trouble throwing accurately, so this activity works
better with smaller circles (10 to 15 children). Also, from time to time a child
might let go of his line and need to retrieve it, so be ready to assist.
S o n G
* Say the nursery rhyme "Little Miss Muffett" with the children.
Consider the following:
* Do the children understand the concept of webs?
* Are the children able to create the web successfully?
* Are the children able to work together well?

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