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Learn Every Day About Social Studies

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Learn Every Day About Social Studies


objects for building and construction

pictures of objects for building and construction

2 aprons

2 name tags

shopping bags

cash register and play money

sign that reads Building Supply Store

building and construction catalogs or store newspaper flyers

price tags


1. Ask the children about their experience
leaving their homes that morning. Did
they see any neighbors when they left?
Did they say hello to their neighbors? Tell
the children it is a nice and normal thing
to greet their neighbors, who are a part of
their community.
2. Teach the children the following greeting
song as a way to encourage them to greet
their neighbors when they see them:
Good Morning, Neighbor! by Susan Oldham Hill
(Tune: "You Are My Sunshine")
Good morning, Neighbor! I'm glad to see you,
And to know that you're my friend!
It's good to meet you; I'm glad to greet you!
Good morning, Neighbor! Good morning, again!
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
l In future days, consider inviting children to recite this song to one another as
they come into the classroom at the beginning of the day.
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
l Do the children understand who their neighbors are?
l Do the children enjoy greeting their classmate friends and neighbors?

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.