Folk Tale Puppet Fun: The Little Red Hen

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Learn Every Day About Animals

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Learn Every Day About Animals


selection of animal puppets (one for each child and teacher)

text of "The Little Red Hen"

sack or pillowcase




1. Make a poster with each action verb in green, each animal in blue and each
consonant in red. For example, in the sentence "Bounce with bunnies, b, b,"
"bounce" would be green, "bunnies" would be blue, and the letters "b, b"
would be red.
2. Mark off a movement area with cones or tape. Note: Tell each child that he is
in a bubble and if he gets too close to another child his bubble will burst.
3. Explain to the children that the green words on the poster are action verbs
because you can do them around the room. Individual children can
demonstrate the actions. Say the action word and the consonant sound it
begins with.
4. Teach the "Action Animal Consonant Song" and encourage the children to
move to it.
s o n G
Action Animal Consonant Song by Kathy Stemke
(Tune: "If You're Happy and You Know It")
Consider the following:
* Can the children recite the song and move appropriately?
* Can the children identify the important letters in each verse of the song?

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