Counting Cups

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 3-Year-Olds

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Preschool Activities for 3-Year-Olds


Five (or ten) matching plastic tubs with lids (margarine tubs or whipped topping

tubs work great)

Permanent marker


Pegs, craft sticks, or straws

Items to count


1. Use the following fun rhyme when discussing personal hygiene.
Wishy washy
Splishy splashy
I have fun in the tubby wubby.
Wishy washy
Splishy splashy
I make sure I wash my armsies warmsies.
Wash wash wash
Wash wash wash.
2. As you say the body part in the rhyme, pretend to wash it.
3. Repeat the rhyme using other body parts, such as:
Toesies woesies
Earsies wearsies
Feetie weetie
Necky wecky
Tummy wummy
Legsies wegsies
More to do
Art: Make personalized washcloths. Give each child a white washcloth.
Encourage the children to decorate them using permanent paint pens. Put each
child's initial in the center of his cloth.
Housekeeping: Encourage the children to wash baby dolls. Provide a small tub
of water or set up the sensory table as a baby washtub. Provide small soaps and
washcloths and towels for drying. This activity will also help those with younger
siblings as you emphasize the importance of handling a baby gently.

Elevate your lesson planning: Download this easy activity today!

Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.