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Color Patterns Song

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Learn Every Day About Colors

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Learn Every Day About Colors


three red blocks

three blue blocks

two yellow blocks

two green blocks


l Place the materials inside the picnic basket.
l Fold the blanket or tablecloth and place it inside or beneath the picnic basket.
What to Do
1. Invite two or more children to carry the picnic basket to an open area of the
2. Help the children place the blanket on the floor.
3. Have the children remove each item and identify it by name and color.
4. Invite the children to have a color picnic with the supplies. Ask them questions
about the colors of the different items as they play.
5. Ask the children to place the items back in the basket and fold up the blanket
when they are finished.
Teacher - to - Teacher Tip
l Place a different assortment of food in the basket each day so children will
want to try this activity over and over. You might also put two teddy bears
near the basket so that children can have a "teddy bear picnic."
To assess the children's learning, consider the following:
l Listen as children talk about the items and colors as they display the materials
on the blanket. Can each child take an item from the basket, say its color
aloud, and then display the item on the blanket?

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Make the most of your instructional time with this fun and adaptable activity. Crafted from our experts in early childhood theory and best practice, this downloadable resource offers play-based activities that will help your students reach learning objectives.