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Circus Play

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6

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The GIANT Encyclopedia Of Learning Center Activities For Children 3 to 6


  • beach umbrella or gazebo on poles
  • buckets with sand
  • circus story books
  • purchased animal face paper plates
  • hole punch
  • rhythm instruments
  • tape or CD with marching music
  • hula hoops
  • masking or duct tape
  • assorted large embroidery hoops
  • parasol or child-size umbrella
  • large soft material or beach balls or pompoms
  • beanbags
  • softballs


What to do

1. Set up poles for a gazebo or a beach umbrella in buckets with sand or in the ground if outdoors.

2. Select animal paper plates that represent circus animals (elephant, tiger, lion, seal, horse, and bear). Punch a hole into each side of the paper plate and attach yarn or string to make a "necklace" to go around a child's neck.

3. After reading a story and having a discussion about a circus, introduce the circus props and encourage children to have a circus.

4. Invite the children to select animal necklaces and rhythm instruments and have a circus parade. Play marching music and encourage children to march around the room or outdoor play area.

5. Encourage children to pretend to be different circus animals. Another child can be an "animal trainer" who has the "animals" do tricks, such as moving on all fours, standing, rolling over, hopping, dancing, trotting, and jumping through a hoop.

6. Place a strip of duct or masking tape on the floor for "tightrope walkers" to balance on as they walk with a parasol or umbrella. Challenge them to walk forward, backward, and sideways.

7. Invite the children to "juggle" large embroidery hoops, twirling them around their wrists, ankles, or hands.

8. Challenge the children to try to balance beanbags by placing beanbags on various body parts while twirling, gliding, and galloping. "Seals" can balance softballs on their noses.

9. Follow up with a group discussion about favorite circus acts.


-Mary Kranyik Fermino, Hyde Park, MA

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