Circle of Life

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities

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The GIANT Encyclopedia of Kindergarten Activities


Paper plates, one for each child colored pencils


1. Give each child a paper plate. Demonstrate how to draw two straight lines (one vertical and one horizontal) across the center of the plate to divide it into four equal quarters.

2. In the top left section, ask the children to draw a picture of the first few leaves of a plant growing through the ground.

3. In the top-right quarter, have the children draw a picture of the same plant as it would look when the first flower buds start to appear.

4. In the bottom right sections, ask the children to draw a picture of the plant with the flower in full bloom.

5. In the final section, have the children draw a picture of the flower dying and its seeds falling to the ground.

6. Using a pencil, the children poke a hole in the center of the plate and push the pencil through the hole, so that the plate can spin on it.

7. Encourage the children to spin their own plates and see how the "circle of life" is never-ending.

8. If possible, visit a flower garden to see the circle of life in action.

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